December 2009 | SansSQL

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Undocumented DATE and TIME functions in SQL

There are some Undocumented Date and time functions that are available in SQL.
These functions are listed below.
Run these functions and check their results, they are self-explanatory.
select {fn current_date()}
select {fn current_time()}
select {fn now()}
select {fn extract(hour from getdate())}
select {fn extract(minute from getdate())}
select {fn extract(second from getdate())}
select {fn extract(day from getdate())}
select {fn extract(month from getdate())}
select {fn extract(year from getdate())}
select {fn dayname(GetDate())}
select {fn monthname(GetDate())}
select {fn month(GetDate())}
select {fn year(GetDate())}
