This SP expects a parameter @TimeInMin which has a default value of 15 Minutes.
Create Proc ReportLoginFailure (@TimeinMin int =15)
Author :Sandesh Segu
Purpose :To report the failed loing attempts if any in given
range of time.
Version :1.0
More Scripts :
Declare @Count int
Create Table #ErrorLog
(ErrorLoggedDate DateTime,
ProcessInfo nvarchar(50),
ErrorText nvarchar(1000))
Insert into #ErrorLog exec sp_readerrorlog
Select @Count=Count(*) from #ErrorLog where ErrorText like 'Login failed for user%'
and datediff(Minute,ErrorLoggedDate,getdate())<=@TimeinMin
If @Count>0
Select Report=Cast(@Count As Varchar)+' Login Failures Reported in past '+Cast (@TimeinMin As varchar)+' Minutes.'
Select * from #ErrorLog where ErrorText like 'Login failed for user%'
and datediff(Minute,ErrorLoggedDate,getdate())<=@TimeinMin
Select Report='No Login Failures Reported in the Specified Time Frame.'
Drop table #ErrorLog
Usage: Specify the time limit parameter in minutes for the SP. Default is 15 mins.
Exec ReportLoginFailure 600
When there are no failures reported then the output will be:
When there are failures reported then the output will be: