For Setting up Database Mirroring, one of the important pre-requisite is to turn off AutoClose option on the database.
This script helps to check the status of the autoclose option on a database and will generate the script to disable autoclose if it is enabled.
This script helps to check the status of the autoclose option on a database and will generate the script to disable autoclose if it is enabled.
DECLARE @DBName NVARCHAR(100) SET @DBName ='SansSQL' PRINT CASE WHEN DATABASEPROPERTY ( @DBName, 'IsAutoClose') = 1 THEN 'AUTO Close is enabled. Run the below statement to Disable Auto Close '+ char(10) + '----------------------------------------------------------'+ char(10)+ 'ALTER DATABASE '+ @DBName +' SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF' WHEN DATABASEPROPERTY ( @DBName, 'IsAutoClose') = 0 THEN 'AUTO Close is Disabled' END