Checking the Authentication mode using T-SQL:
- Using "xp_LoginConfig" extended Stored Procedure
EXEC Master.dbo.xp_LoginConfig 'login mode'
- Using "SERVERPROPERTY" Function
SELECT CASE SERVERPROPERTY('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') WHEN 1 THEN 'Windows Authentication mode' WHEN 0 THEN 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode' END as [Authentication Mode]
- Using Registry
DECLARE @Mode INT EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'LoginMode', @Mode OUTPUT SELECT CASE @Mode WHEN 1 THEN 'Windows Authentication mode' WHEN 2 THEN 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode' ELSE 'Not known' END as [Authentication Mode]
Checking the Authentication mode using SSMS:
- Right-Click on the Server
- Choose "Properties"
- Navigate to "Security" Page
- Check "Server Authentication" Section