Error in replication::subscription(s) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized | SansSQL

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Error in replication::subscription(s) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized

Whenever there is an error as mentioned above then, you can try to update the status column in the MSsubscriptions table in the distribution database. The status column for the expired subscription indicated a value of 0 meaning inactive. The value of 2 in the status column means Active.

Try the following steps:
1. Select * from MSsubscriptions to locate the expired subscription.
2. Use the query below to reset the status in MSsubscriptions table. Fill in the values for the publisher_id, publisher_db, publication_id, subscriber_id and subscriber_db in the query below with the values from the expired subscription in the MSsubscriptions table.

update distribution..MSsubscriptions set status=2 where publisher_id='x' andpublisher_db='x' and publication_id='x' and subscriber_id='x' and subscriber_db='x'

Status of the subscription:
0 = Inactive
1 = Subscribed
2 = Active


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this tip, you saved my skin!

Anonymous said...

great trick!

Unknown said...

super tip... thank u very much segu...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

hoe yo find published atricles in Publisher

Unknown said...

one of my article is not sinking with subscriber.How to find that

Sandesh Segu said...

Kindly send your error message to my email ID.

UNKNOWN said...

Awesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. error 502 bad gateway fix

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