Error while starting SQL Server Agent in Denali (OpenSQLServerInstanceRegKey:GetRegKeyAccessMask failed (reason: 2).) | SansSQL

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Error while starting SQL Server Agent in Denali (OpenSQLServerInstanceRegKey:GetRegKeyAccessMask failed (reason: 2).)

I had recently installed SQL Server 2012 AKA Denali CTP version on my system and when I tried to start the SQL Server agent, The agent was starting and was immediately getting stopped by displaying the below message.

When I investigated further, I found the below error message from the event viewer.
OpenSQLServerInstanceRegKey:GetRegKeyAccessMask failed (reason: 2).                         

Possible Workaround:
I got this working by changing the Log on account of SQL server agent from "NT SERVICE\SQLServerAgent" to "Local System" or a domain account.
